Food Lovers, Welcome!!!

Dear people that we love the gastronomy💘; welcome to my blog where here will be a save space for share more information about the most beautiful pleasure as a human can experience, eat. 😋

🍴My name is Mariana Vargas Arias, I am a young adult of 22 years currently, and I am a girl who try to learn about how the food is a representation of the culture in a country. In this blog the challenge is find the most interesting and representative culinary dish of one of the most famous gastronomy places in the world. The investigation will be intense, but knowledge will be more satisfactory if you want to taste a delicious discovery yourself because yes, the recipes will have their own space to put into practice the cravings that are likely to occur.

Let's start with how the blog will consist of. Like the name of this blog, 10 cultures will be described as the most popular, in each one I will introduce 1 recipe that are very representative of that type of gastronomy since a main dish as a complement to some dish. But also, the blog will test in a scale of 1 to 10 golden spoons my qualification about the gastronomy of the day. 👌

☺Let's start with a special position: #0: Costa Rica

Costa Rica is my natal place, of course I know that Costa Rica could not be considered a destination famous for its culinary items, but here I will give it a recognition given that our dishes are exquisite if you dare to try them. Because I am Tica is so easy see how other cultures influenced the Costa Rican dishes since in own culture the names like "ceviche" or "tamal" could be considered not 100% of Costa Rica because in other places have more recognition as one's own. In this case, if we are looking for the most representative dish that ticos can confirmed as 100% invented in Costa Rica is:


😦WHAT?! Gallo pinto or Casado are not the most representative dishes in Costa Rica? 
Yes, I know that can be weird but remember that here we are looking for a complete and authentic representation of a culture and Chifrijo although it is not the first thing as a tico says like Costa Rican gastronomy with a small analysis the answer has more sense.
Chifrijo was invented for a man in San Carlos in the province of Alajuela.
"At that time, the business was on the corner and here our house. I had already had breakfast, but it was a craving to eat something different. I arrived at the store and told the cook "I want to eat something, a very rich mouth", and I get into the kitchen to see. I see that there are beans, picantito, chicharrones and chimichurri (pico de gallo). I made two to see what happened. To eat it with tortillas dorados (snacks), to accompany it." (Cordero, 2019, pa. 5) 
He creates the most delicious appetizers or "Bocas" in the Costa Rica's bars. 😛 

I will put my 10 spoons here and I just will say that with a good proportion of the ingredients to taste of the person, it is a winning combination. 

🍴Recipe for 2 people

  • 1 cup of cooked white rice🍚 (seasoned with onion, garlic, cilantro and peppers chopped, salt to your taste)
  • 1 cup of cooked red beans🍲 (when you cook beans put in the pot also a piece of onion, 2 garlic teeth, pieces red pepper chopped and salt to your taste)
  • 500 grams of chicharron🐽
  • 1/2 cup of chimichurri🍅 (onion, tomato and cilantro chopped with juice of a half of a lemon)
  • A bag of tortilla chips
  • If you like spice sauce, put it to your taste🔥
🍳The preparation is so customized since if you want a Chifrijo dry, you should not put beans broth in your plate. So, the order of the ingredients is: Rice in the base, then beans, chicharron, chimichurri on top and put it lemon, spice sauce and avocado in slices, and that is it!

Thank you so much for reading, see you later! 👋


Diario Extra. 2019. Chifrijo cumple hoy 40 años: “Lo vendo en ¢120 millones”

